Abrosimova Elena Antonovna
Methodological approaches to practice-oriented training in the magistracy of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State UniversityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2019. 3. p.110-117read more245
This publication provides a number of discussion issues on the practice-oriented teaching methods at the Faculty of Law. The article discusses the goals and objectives of practice-oriented learning, the transformation of the professor’s role in the educational process, motivation of modern law students, modification of the structure of classroom activities and homework assignments, assessment of practical skills of students. Special attention in light of practical oriented teaching devotes to the specific of attracting practicing lawyers as teachers.
Keywords: practice-oriented learning; legal education; education methodology; motivation of law student; practical skills
Functional features of self-regulating organizations and industry associations in the fight against illegal tradeMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 5. p.37-48read more291
The importance of self-regulation in the field of protection of the Russian market from counterfeit products is noted, as well as the participation of self-regulatory organizations in the fight against counterfeit products on the commodity market. The authors underline the defining functions of self-regulatory organizations aimed at preventing the spread of counterfeit products, and make a comparative analysis of the activities of various associations, which have been most successful in preventing the spread of counterfeit products.
Keywords: counterfeiting; counterfeit goods; self-regulation; non-governmental regulation; self-regulatory organizations
Legal regime of endowment funds’ propertyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 3. p.145-153read more241
The article examines the key legal problems in connection with the formation and operation of endowment funds (endowment funds). The author takes as a basis two main theses related to the scientific heritage and personality of Professor of Moscow University Sergey Mikhailovich Korneev — the real nature of the right of operational management and the ethical significance of legal activity. The discussion in the scientific literature about the legal regime of the endowment fund property, as well as the purposes of spending the funds of these organizations, paid services of non-profit organizations has not subsided for several years. The author makes an attempt to talk about possible ways to resolve these debatable issues, based on the provisions of the current legislation. The subject of the author’s attention is endowment funds as a venture investment tool. Two ways of forming endowment funds are considered in detail — within the framework of an existing non-profit organization and by creating a specialized non-profit organization — a fund. Separately, the issue of restrictions that are introduced by the legislator for this type of non-profit organizations is considered. As an illustrative example, the article analyzes endowment funds operating in the educational sector.
Keywords: S.M. Korneev, endowment fund, non-profit organization, property, venture investments, paid services, income