Gandaloeva L.B.

Strategies for the joint socio-economic development of the municipality and the federal territory: first experienceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2021. 5. p.98-114read more396
The article examines the features of municipal strategic planning. On the example of the municipal formation (urban district) — resort city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, the issues of developing a strategy for the socio-economic development of the Sochi agglomeration, as well as prospects for interaction of municipalities with the federal territories are investigated. On the one hand, the strategy of socio-economic development, as a system of long-term priorities is a necessary condition for planning and development of the territory. The municipal strategy includes a package of projects (national, federal, regional), budget programs, business plans but often does not consider public opinion. On the other hand, the absence of a strategic document does not affect the development of the territory, since large investors (private and public stakeholders) implement business projects without informing the municipality. There is no legal provision for stakeholders to inform about the implementation of their plans. As a result, approved municipal strategies often suffer because of lack of large-scale investment projects or after significant changes in projects. Taking the example of Sochi, the “eternal” factor of competitiveness of the resort “sea, sun, climate” will work spontaneously and haphazardly, despite the significant multiplier effect of the tourism industry on the economy of the territory. To develop an effective tool for the development of the territory, which should be simultaneously a social contract, at the initial stage of developing a resort strategy, the main task will be to assess the competitiveness of the resort city in the domestic and foreign markets, develop a system of indicators of the competitiveness of the resort and regional tourism product.
Keywords: strategy of socio-economic development; urban agglomeration; municipalities; federal territories; strategic planning; strategizing