Sergey V. Khalipov

Khalipov, S.V.
Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Legal regimes of foreign economic operations in the field of sportsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2024. 2. p.87-99read more114
The content of the article is devoted to the peculiarities of foreign economic and non-trade turnover in the field of sport. The article considers the conditions of import and temporary import of goods used for sporting and commercial purposes. The statuses of travellers, members of national teams, participants of Olympic Games, as well as persons participating in international sporting events held on a commercial basis are touched upon. Different categories of sports and other goods transported across the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union are identified. A comparative analysis of international and Eurasian Economic Union law acts regulating the movement of sporting goods across the border is used. Examples of implementation and development of international legal institutions in the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs regulation are demonstrated. Attention is drawn to customs aspects of protection of intellectual property objects, including Olympic, Paralympic and other sports symbols. Practical examples of detection of counterfeit products are given. Conclusions are formulated on the existing options of transporting sports goods and other related goods across the border for the preparation, organisation and holding of official and other sporting events. Some shortcomings in international legal regulation are demonstrated. Argumented clarifications in the unified customs regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union are proposed.Keywords: foreign economic operations, sporting goods, temporary importation, special customs procedure, intellectual property objects