Stepanov Pavel Pavlovich

A hundred cats still have not become a tiger: on the issue of administrative prejudice in the modern criminal law of RussiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 6. p.42-57read more442
The article covers the issue of the criteria that the legislator can use when choosing acts punishable in the administrative-legal order for the construction of criminal-legal norms with administrative prejudice. It is shown that the line between administrative offenses and criminal acts is blurred (including due to the expanding use of administrative prejudice by the legislator). Historical examples of the construction of compositions with prejudice in domestic legislation are given, possible reasons for the absence of such norms in the first years of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1996. Decisions of the Constitutional Court dated 10.02.2017 No. 2-P and dated 08.04.2021 No. 11-P are analyzed from the point of view of such criteria. Conclusions are formulated and substantiated about the relevance and effectiveness of “objective” public danger as a basis for criminalization, as well as about the incorrectness and danger of some doctrinal and law enforcement proposals to evaluate the dangerous inclinations of a person as a basis for criminalizing acts using administrative prejudice. It seems that the use of “subjective” social danger in the construction of elements of crimes is contrary to the principles of legality, guilt and justice. Its use brings the legislative trend towards the expansion of administrative prejudice closer to the provisions of the theory of the dangerous state of the individual, which is based on completely different principles.
Keywords: prejudicial question, dangerousness, criminalization, dangerous state, penalization, criminal policy