Gajiev I. Khanlar

Gajiev Kh. I.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia
Law enforcement in the focus of digitalization, or the problem of conceptual integration of classical and non-classical models of law enforcement (Digitalization of law enforcement: search for new solutions / Ed. by D.A. Pashentsev)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 3. p.137-144read more357
The review reveals the content of an interdisciplinary monographic study “Digitalization of law enforcement: the search for new solutions” (M., 2022) which presents a conceptual view on law enforcement activities in the context of the development of digital technologies and technical innovations based on methodological approaches inherent to the social sciences and the principles of post-non-classical rationality. The authors substantiate the key role of the technological factor in the development of law enforcement, showing how modern technologies involved in law enforcement activity change not only the form of its expression, appearance, but, above all, its main content. According to the presented concept, the current state and dynamics of law enforcement, the patterns of its further evolution and the degree of effectiveness are determined by the technological order of Russian society. It is noted that the transitional stage of modern Russian society, due to the change of technological orders, ensured the hybrid coexistence of classical and nonclassical models of law enforcement, the “crossing” of the biological subject of law enforcement with technological elements, algorithms, program codes, technical innovations, expert systems, etc., defining at the present stage the formal quantitative and qualitative characteristics of law enforcement activities. Revealing from new methodological positions the fundamental patterns of digital transformations of law enforcement, the authors, on the basis of understanding of the laws of the technological environment of innovations in which law enforcement is increasingly carried out, make an attempt to expand the boundaries of existing ideas about the essence of law enforcement and the directions of its further evolutionary movement, indicating forecasts and possible risks.Keywords: law enforcement, digital technologies, artificial intelligence, digitalization, legaltech, technological order