Anna V. Belyakova

Digital justice in Russia (v.2.0)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 5. p.124-142read more553
The research is oriented towards the study of basic issues concerning the correlation between information and communication technologies (ICT) in the national justice and traditional grounds of its administration. The author researches the effects of implementing information technologies into justice from the viewpoint of constitutional legal status and its correspondence with the procedural status of a trial participant. The transformation of justice in the context of digitalization from the viewpoint of its availability to interested parties is being analyzed.
The article also defines issues with the implementation of traditional adjudication principles in the Russian Federation. The researcher draws attention to the lack of a unified approach to the implementation of information technologies in procedural legislation and legislation on judicial organization. The science article reveals in detail legal regulation in the sphere under consideration as well as certain doctrinal approaches, analyzes materials of court practice, provides reasoning for the viable development of uniform alteration of procedural legislation and legislation on judicial organization in the field of “digital” justice development. A number of suggestions and conclusions over the correlation between technologization and traditional grounds in the modern system of justice is made.
The author proposes for the development of the judicial law concept as one of the mechanisms for upgrading relevant legislation in the sphere in question.
Keywords: justice, digital justice, information technologies, judicial law, procedural legislation, legislation on judicial organization