Andrey A. Berezhnov
Concept of legal education development in modern Russia: a possible approach to its formationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 5. p.3-15read more356
The article discusses the issues of possible reform of the higher education system in Russia in general and legal education in particular. The prerequisites for such a reform are analyzed and the opinions expressed on this matter by representatives of state authorities, the scientific community, public organizations, proposals for a possible rejection of the “Bologna system” (a two-level education system) are considered. On the example of legal education provided by the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The advantages and disadvantages of the “Bologna system” are identified, the goals and principles of higher legal education are determined, the requirements for the structure of educational programs are formulated, the advantages of integrated training of lawyers (integrated magistracy) are substantiated compared with the specialty and the current two-level bachelor’s and master’s degree system. The article pays special attention to the need to ensure fundamental nature in legal education, the formation of scientific and pedagogical schools, indicates the need to maintain continuity in the reform of higher education, taking into account the interests of persons who have graduated in the field of Law in different periods. The authors also touch upon the problems of rating law schools and raise the question of the expediency of codifying legislation on education in the way of fulfilling the task of providing the necessary legal support for the implementation of educational programs.
Keywords: higher education reform, Bologna system, educational goals, principles of education, scientific and pedagogical schools, integrated magistracy, university ratings, educational code