Alexei S. Filiashin

The place of discovery in the system of American and English criminal procedure: historical and legal analysisMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 3. p.61-73read more299
This paper discusses the legal nature of the disclosure of evidence in English and American criminal proceedings — an institution that attracts special attention
of researchers due to the lack of direct continental analogues and its importance as a
procedural safeguard. In order to establish the place of the criminal discovery in the
Anglo-American system of criminal procedure, its genesis in the course of the procedural transformations of the 17th-19th centuries is researched. Author concludes that its
appearance is a consequence of the elimination of “prosecutorial bias”, created by socalled “lawyerisation”. By researching jurisprudence of the courts, statutory regulation
and doctrine, author finds that the main function of criminal discovery is to supply the
court with facts of the case. Taking into account the absence of judicial activity of the jury
in the Anglo-American criminal process, it would be impossible to make a correct decision on the merits of the case without disclosing the materials of the parties to each otherKeywords: comparative law, Anglo-American criminal procedure, disclosure, discovery, truth, passive fact-finder, trial by jury
Private prosecution in English criminal procedure: history and legal natureMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 4. p.69-86read more339
Historically, English criminal procedure is characterised by the role of private prosecution, which allowed each person to bring charges against any other person. A relic of the Middle Ages, it has nevertheless survived successfully to the present day, although it has undergone a number of significant transformations. Its remarkable resilience, despite its inability to serve as a full-fledged instrument of Crown criminal policy, is due to the fact that the ancient procedural form is constantly emerging with new uses. In the twentieth century there was a growing demand for it by commercial and non-commercial organizations who needed an instrument for the proactive prosecution (in public or private interests). Continental critics, who had earlier protested against the introduction of the English model of private prosecution into the criminal procedure of Germany or France, raised many objections against it, but the English history has shown that their fears were baseless. At the same time, the development of public prosecutions in England has greatly reduced the space for private initiative. Most of the procedural advances, among them the increased accessibility of criminal justice, were due to the expansion of the state.
Keywords: private prosecution, prosecution, prosecutor discretion, criminal procedure of England and Wales