Vladislav Maratovich Smakov
BestAdvice&Co. Law Firm, Moscow, Russia
Senior Associate, BestAdvice&Co. Law Firm
The concept of damages: deconstruction of their definition as a measure of responsibilityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 4. p.84-96read more267
The article makes a reasoned analysis of damages’ legal nature, provides arguments against the most common point of view in the academic and educational literature that damages are a measure of civil liability of a universal nature, which implies the establishment of the composition of a civil offense. The point of view that damages are unfavorable sanction for non-compliance with the obligation is criticized. An attempt is made to bring together damages as an economic category (negative balance as a result of summing up mutual claims of the parties to the legal relationship) and damages as a legal notion (damages as a way of civil law protection from negative property consequences of one of the parties based on existence of duty). The author adheres to a broader concept of risk distribution: negative consequences imposed on non-beneficiary of the victim’s estate may be based on not only defendant’s unlawful actions or inaction, but also on other grounds provided for by law, contract or principles of law, this makes it possible to expand the scope of application of this institution and explains the numerous examples of damages available in the legislation in the absence of an offense and grounds for the application of liability measures.
Keywords: damages; liability; balance theory; conditions for damages; distributive and corrective justice