Beloborodov V.B.

Beloborodov V.B.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Territorial principle of operation of the criminal law: the place of commission of a crime as a place of occurrence of socially dangerous consequencesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2018. 3. p.89-101read more185
The issue of locus delicti, within the meaning of the territorial principle of criminal jurisdiction, remains an unresolved problem of Russian criminal law and criminal law doctrine. The article concerns a contested aspect of the problem — the possibility to localize the offence at the place where the harmful consequences of the offence were felt. The article starts with an overview of the views presented in Russian literature. The author argues in favor of localizing the crime at the place of harm and refutes the opposing arguments.
Keywords: territorial scope of application of criminal law, criminal jurisdiction, jurisdiction ratione loci, territorial principle, objective territorial principle, objective territoriality, locus delicti