Gulbinovich I.Yu.

Gulbinovich I.Yu.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Personal page: engineer of the 1st category of the educational criminalistics laboratory of the Department of Criminalistics, candidate of the Department of Criminalistics of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University
Methodological foundations of forensic causality analysisMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2018. 5. p.68-75read more242
The article deals with the development of the methodological foundations of the forensic analysis of causality. The distinction of causality in criminalistics from causality in criminal law and criminal procedure is given. The specifics of forensic analysis of causality and its levels are noted. An attempt is made to form a conceptual notion of causality as the fundamental category of the subject of research in criminalistics.
Keywords: mechanism of the event under investigation, trace pattern, causality in the methodology of forensic analysis, levels of forensic analysis of causality, main fact
About the scientific school of professor V.Ya. Koldin (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Scholar)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 3. p.125-136read more280
The study of the topic outlined in this article, taking into account such a volume, will contribute to the development of forensic knowledge about the scientific school of the famous forensic scientist, not only in the countries formed in the post-Soviet space, but also on a global scale. This study will also help to supplement the volume of forensic knowledge about the scientific school of the Department of Criminalistics, Faculty of Law, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The essay presents the results of a study by the scientific school of Professor V. Ya. Koldin, the author’s vision of modern problems of criminology, its significance for issues of general scientific and legal knowledge, law enforcement practice and education is presented. Professor V. Ya. Koldin understood criminology as an information-cognitive structure. With this approach in mind, he built his creative activity. Certain aspects of his work in scientific and pedagogical activities, including the training of lawyers and scientists from other countries, his huge contribution to the creation of scientific and didactic material on forensic science in the countries where he was sent as a Soviet specialist are shown. There are many followers in his scientific school, in their scientific works the system-activity and information approaches in forensic activity are implemented. The purpose of this study is the desire to more fully reveal the provisions that characterize his contribution to the development of scientific knowledge about the forensic science of information technology, as well as his practical experience in didactics.Keywords: version analysis, information technologies of procedural proof, forensic analysis, criminalistics of information technologies, methodology of criminalistics, scientific school, subject of criminology, Professor V. Ya. Koldin, judicial identification, forensic examination