Frolova Elizaveta Alexandrovna
History of political and legal doctrines as a scientific and educational discipline (review of a scientific conference)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 4. p.232-240read more524
The review gives the main theses on the history of political and legal doctrines. It is mainly noted that this discipline is one of the oldest in classical legal education. Against the backdrop of widespread cuts in hours for fundamental legal disciplines, it is necessary to firmly defend our positions in the educational process of the theory of state and law and the history of political and legal doctrines.
Keywords: history of political and legal doctrines, theory of state and law, legal education, legal science
Legal state as a philosophical and political problem (on the 30th anniversary of the RF Constitution)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 6. p.139-157read more135
The article shows the social and philosophical-theoretical foundations of the idea of the rule of law. Based on world political and legal thought, the nature and evolution of this phenomenon is revealed. It is argued that in the presence of the institution of human rights, the mechanism of separation of powers and the predictability of the actions of state power, the rule of law can be assessed not only as an ideal, but also as a real way of organizing the state. It has been demonstrated that public order is a constant compromise between various forces in society, determined by the intensity of social interests. One of the ways to overcome political alienation is the subordination of the state to law, designed to ensure predictability of the actions of state power, guaranteeing a stable legal order. It is emphasized that the issue of the state being bound by law cannot be resolved within the framework of the theory of legal positivism and requires turning to meta-legal concepts (justice, good morals, common good) that lie outside positive law, and their basis and boundaries must be sought in philosophical and legal principles. Special attention is paid to the understanding of the social state — a state that establishes social (material) guarantees for broad layers of the population, fights poverty and introduces legal mechanisms for this purpose. It is shown that a legal social state is one of the central problems of Russian liberal philosophy of law. The rule of law, from the point of view of its representatives, must be supplemented by the “right to a decent existence”.
Keywords: Russian state, Constitution of the Russian Federation, theoretical and legal science, philosophy of law, rule of law, personality, human rights
Concept of law: history and theory (on the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2024. 4. p.242-246read more46
The conference review offers views on law that are widespread in our theoretical and legal science. It points out the outstanding role of the founder of German classical philosophy I. Kant in the formation of the philosophy of law. His idea of the categorical imperative is aimed at creating a model of a legal state, where a person is declared not only a means, but also an end. Kant is one of those who formed the metaphysical philosophy of law, i. e. a branch of knowledge that creates semantic models in the world of political and legal reality. The review discusses Kant’s influence on Russian and European philosophy of law, the significance of his ideas for modern times. In the second half of the 19th century, five or six neo-Kantian schools appeared (the largest are Baden and Marburg), where original concepts of the philosophy of law were created on the basis of Kant’s epistemology and ethics. In the 90s of the 19th century in Germany and in Russia, under the slogan “Back to Kant!” a school of revived natural law was formed, the purpose of which was to proclaim the eternal value of the individual and thus put an obstacle to class struggle and the coming revolution. Revolutionary Marxism was opposed by ethical socialism and the idea of a legal social state, which seems relevant in our historical era. The appeal to the ideas of Kant also meant a turn towards idealism and religion, which gave a new impetus to the development of the philosophy of law.Keywords: Kant, concept of law, general theory of law, philosophy of law, sociology of law, legal positivism, legal science