Aliyev Sh.M.

Aliyev Sh.M.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Legal consequences of non-international armed conflicts: some issues of theory and practiceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2019. 5. p.85-99read more348
Contemporary international law has formulated the definition of a non-international armed conflict. However, the doctrine does not yet have a unified position on the scientific justification of possible participants in the non-international armed conflict, the legal consequences of the beginning and end of such a conflict, the main directions of their international and national legal regulation. In the framework of this article, the author will elaborate on the analysis some of the legal consequences of the beginning and end of a non-international armed conflict.
Keywords: on-international armed conflict; Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions of 1949; Minsk Protocol; detainees; events in the South-East of Ukraine; armed conflict in Chechnya; armistice agreement; broad amnestyа