Tsentrov E.E.

Scientific foundations of theoretical ideas about the laws studied by criminologyMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2019. 2. p.38-59read more234
The article discusses the scientific foundations of theoretical ideas about the regularities and laws studied by criminalistics. The historical development of ideas about the subject of criminalistics, introduction to the subject of science and forensic theory of the concept of “regularities” are shown. The authors disclose the concept of “regularity”, “law” and their correlation. The elements of the dialectical method, which are the basis of the theory and methodology of criminalistics, are given, the content of the basic dialectic laws, especially the law of the unity and struggle of opposites, is revealed. The concept of “reflection” (display) is considered as the result of the interaction of material objects that underlies the forensic investigation of the mechanism of formation the traces and the theory of identification.
Keywords: criminalistics; forensic science; subject matter of science; regularities; law; dialectics; identification; reflection; corruption
The functions of criminal proceedings and the specifics of the relationship between criminal procedure theory and criminalisticsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2019. 3. p.3-20read more295
The article considers the peculiarities of interrelation and mutual influence of criminal procedure theory and criminalistics. The article analyzes erroneous theoretical and procedural-legal constructions, contradictions and misconceptions. Special attention is paid to the functions of criminal proceedings. The misconception that “the functions of prosecution, defense and criminal case resolution are separate and cannot be assigned to the same body or official” is refuted.
Keywords: criminal procedure theory; criminal proceedings; criminalistics; functions; misconceptions; competitiveness
Assessment of the reliability of a person's admission of guilt in order to distinguish him from self-incrimination and reservationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 2. p.21-42read more262
The article discuses the circumstances in which the appearance of self-incrimination and reservation on the part of the person held criminally liable. The main criteria are given that allow one to assess the reliability of a person’s confession of guilt in a crime and to distinguish between true and false confessions. When assessing the confession obtained, it is necessary to take into account how fully and accurately the accused (suspect) is aware of the circumstances and details of the criminal event. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the possible suggestive nature of the various investigative actions used in the process of incriminating a person of a committed crime, presenting material evidence and other factual information.
Keywords: confession; self-incrimination; slander; evidence; on-site verification; violence; torture
Confession of guilt by the accused when separating him from questions and actions of a suggestive natureMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 2. p.33-44read more317
The article deals with the influence of the leading question on the confession. The leading question, however, is not only understood in the traditional sense of the term as a question that contains information that prompts the answer. More broadly, it is a matter that accompanies the use of any information of evidence, the reporting of factual information in various investigative situations. This question leads to a certain answer. Introduction of the concept of “probability-oriented question” allows to differentiate between information and actions of a leading nature.
Keywords: leading question; conditionally leading question; interrogation; evidence; confession; self-incrimination; on-site verification
About theoretical and practical essence forensics as a scientific disciplineMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2024. 3. p.197-204read more118
The article discusses incorrect theoretical positions about the essence of criminology as a scientific discipline engaged in direct forensic activities in the investigation of crimes and that this activity is carried out by an investigator. The functional and other features of the activities of a forensic investigator are outlined.
Keywords: criminology, forensic activity, crime investigation activities, forensic investigator, criminal activity