Gubin Evgeny Parfirievich
The State as a subject of civil lawMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 5. p.115-122read more394
Golubtsov V. G. The Russian Federation as a subject of civil law. - M.: Statute, 2019. - 272 p.
Keywords: criticism; bibliography
Economic categories and their reflection in legislation (to the 100th anniversary of professor S.M. Korneev)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 3. p.194-202read more235
Economic categories in civil and business law are quite common. However, over the years, disputes have not subsided about whether these categories should be present in law, how these categories should be reflected in the rules of law, whether they should fully reflect the economic essence of these categories, and most importantly, whether economic categories serve as the basis for making legal decisions. The article brought to the attention of readers reflects the position of the largest scientists in the field of civil law and business law on the issues under consideration: Doctor of Law, Professor Korneev S. M., Doctor of Law, Professor Gribanov V. P., Doctor of Law, Professor Bykov A. G., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Laptev V. V. and other famous lawyers. Such economic categories as fixed and circulating assets, fixed and circulating assets, depreciation deductions, cost accounting, state property as an economic and legal category, enterprise, economic mechanism and others are considered. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between economics and law, the impact of economics on law and law on the economy. Attention is drawn to the close relationship between economics and law with the social factors of modern society.
Keywords: civil law, business law, economic categories, legal categories, state property, economic mechanism, legislation, social function of civil and business law, economization of law
Scientific school of business law at Moscow UniversityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2024. 3. p.205-214read more127
The article examines the formation and activities of scientific schools of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, the Law Faculty of Moscow State University on the example of the scientific school of the Department of Business Law. In a relatively short period of time, the department was able to create a team of like-minded people, the results of whose activities meet all the necessary requirements of a modern scientific school. The article examines the main areas of scientific research in the field of business law, the relationship of scientific research of the department with the areas of research in other branches of law: civil, civil procedure, labor (other private law disciplines), administrative, financial and other public law disciplines. Particular attention is paid to the mutual influence of economics and law, taking into account the subject of legal regulation. The scientific school of the Department of Business Law is closely connected with the educational process. The achievements and features of the educational process at the department are shown, the goals and objectives facing its staff in training modern lawyers with a fundamental education and a broad range of knowledge in the field of law are defined.
Keywords: scientific school, department, economics and law, educational process, scientific research, team of like-minded people, methodological work, educational and methodological complex