Novitskaya T.E.

The article examines the changes that occurred in the Soviet state in the first months of the great Patriotic war. The work is based on the study of normative legal acts of wartime.
Keywords: Great Patriotic war; Council of People’s Commissars; State Defense Committee
From the history of administrative and legal regimes of state security in Russia (part one)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 5. p.3-18read more396
The article attempts to consider ways to protect the state from internal and external threats using one of the methods of administrative and legal regimes established by law. In this regard, the issue of protecting human rights in the historical aspect is touched upon. The article deals with the historical aspects of the formation of administrative and legal regimes of state security during the periods of the strengthening of the revolutionary movement in the Russian Empire and the peasant uprising in Tambov province in Soviet Russia.
Keywords: strengthened protection and emergency security; martial law; occupation regime
From the history of administrative and legal regimes of state security in Russia (part two)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 6. p.3-26read more370
The article attempts to consider ways to protect the state from internal and external threats using one of the methods established by law: administrative regimes of state security. The paper shows that the legal formalization of state security regimes during the periods when the tsarist government was struggling with terrorism that was taking on threatening in the last quarter of the XIX century and the revolution of 1905–1907. The article presents the development of legislation on state security regimes in Soviet Russia in the context of the civil war and the peasant uprising in the Tambov province.
Keywords: strengthened protection and emergency security; martial law; occupation regime
Socio-economic prerequisitesfor strengthening the power of the Moscow grand dukes in the XV–XVI centuries(formation of the state unity of Russia)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 1. p.3-25read more269
The article examines how in the process of centralization was changed the form of the state unity of Russia. The topic is interesting not only a theoretical understanding of the problem, but also a historical and legal analysis of the existing state unity of Russia. The article traces that the change in the form of the state unity of Russia is associated with the liberation from vassal dependence on the successor of the Golden Horde, the Great Horde. The article substantiates that the creation of a unified Russian state and its centralization differ somewhat in time, although they coincide at the last stages. These changes began to manifest themselves, first of all, in the change in the legal status of the feudal elite, the service class, which was reflected in the status of their land holdings. These changes manifest themselves after the feudal war of the middle of the XV century and are expressed in the strengthening of the central government (the order of succession to the Grand ducal throne changes and the power of the Grand Prince increases), specific land ownership is practically nullified and residential land ownership becomes the main one, the free transfer of boyars and free servants from the Grand Duke to other landowners is prohibited. This contributes to the creation of a consolidated class (social group) of serving people in the fatherland.
Keywords: state unity, Moscow Grand Dukes, appanage princes, service princes, land ownership
Development of the Soviets from the October revolution to the adoption of the USSR Constitution of 1936Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 6. p.96-123read more109
The article examines the history of the formation of representative power in Russia: the emergence and development of Soviets of workers’, peasants’ and soldiers’ deputies and the highest representative institution — the State Duma. The following shows the activities of the State Duma, the range of interests of their deputies, their attention to the problem of whether the Duma is a parliament or not. The process of formation of Soviets since February 1917 as an All-Russian representative authority is shown. The problem of correlation between the theory of Marxism and the practice of its application in the RSFSR is considered. It is shown that the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918 never mentioned the classical formula of Marxism “dictatorship of the proletariat”, blurring it with the dictatorship of workers. However, during the Civil War, in order to retain power, there is a transition to the de facto dictatorship of the Bolshevik Party. The article draws attention to the moral and political level of the members of the CPSU (b), I. V. Stalin’s personnel policy in both party and Soviet organizations. The institute of purges of party and Soviet workers is considered as a way to get rid of both political opponents and embezzlers, thieves, drunkards, etc. of the public. The new Constitution of the USSR of 1936 was to fulfill the task of finally purging the state from the party dictatorship and ensuring the union of party members and non — party members.
Keywords: State Duma of Russia, Soviets of workers’, peasants’ and soldiers’ deputies, dictatorship of the proletariat and dictatorship of the party, Constitution of the RSFSR 1918, personnel policy, Constitution of the USSR 1936