P.L. Polyansky

On the question of custom as a source of law in Soviet Russia in 1917-1921Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2019. 1. p.41-61read more317
We consider peasant’s custom as a source of law during the period of founding of Soviet State and Civil War (1917–1921). We proved that in this period central and local Soviet authorities used pre-revolutionary custom in adjudication of division of peasant’s property.
Keywords: Russia; Soviet State and Law; history of law; custom; homestead
Rabkrin's survey of the judicial investigation system in the mid-1920s and its first resultsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 4. p.3-20read more296
The article is devoted to the survey carried out by the Rabkrin (Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspection) in relation to the courts, police and the public prosecutor’s office in 1923–1927. The author introduces new archive materials on the results of the revision. We consider problems of relief of people’s courts from consideration of some cases and legislation about it. The author concludes that the survey and the initiatives of the Rabkrin had a significant impact on the regulation of issues of jurisdiction of the courts, as well as on the Soviet criminal and procedural legislation of the NEP period.
Keywords: Russia; Russian SFSR; NEP; Rabkrin; people’s courts
Rabkrin's examination of the judicial and investigative system and the creation of friendly courtsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 5. p.19-36read more299
This article is devoted to the realization of Rabkrin’s proposals to unload the people’s courts and to create new forms of involving citizens in the work of the court and law-enforcement authorities in 1923–1927. The author introduces new materials about the history of creating of comrades’ courts. The question of creating administrative and legal sections of local Soviet bodies is also being considered.
Keywords: Soviet Russia; NEP; Rabkrin; unloading the courts; comrades’ courts
Rabkrin's examination of the judicial and investigative system and changes in the procedural legislation of the end of the NEPMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 6. p.27-58read more320
This article devoted to Rabkrin’s (Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspection) proposals to change the norms of the Soviet civil and criminal procedure in the end of 1920th. New materials are introduced that relate to the content of the Rabkrin's initiatives, as well as their implementation. The author concludes that Rabkrin’s inspection is very useful for correcting shortcomings of soviet pre-trial and trial proceeding. The issue about the role of People’s Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR in reforming procedural legislation is considered.
Keywords: Russia; NEP; Rabkrin (Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspection); civil procedure; criminal procedure
Instruction on organization and functions of custody departments of 1919Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2021. 2. p.90-109read more411
The article discusses a document adopted in the development of the norms of the first Soviet Code on marriage and family. This is the instruction of the People’s Commissariat for Social Security in 1919 on the organization and procedure for the activities of local guardianship authorities. The authors also provide the text of this document. The main objective of the article is to introduce into the scientific circulation a document that was previously almost unknown to historical and legal science. The authors also set out to study the relationship of the instruction in question with the 1918 family Code, in the development of which it was adopted. According to the authors, the implementation of the provisions on guardianship of minors outlined in the instructions was unsuccessful. At the same time, the unrealistic and even utopian nature of certain provisions of the 1918 family Code is especially clearly visible in the study of the problem of implementing the norms of the instruction on guardianship departments. Nevertheless, the authors believe that the studied instruction will allow to re-evaluate the significance of some marriage and family norms of the first years of Soviet power, as well as the views of their creators. For the history of family law, the instruction on the organization and procedure for the activities of the subdivisions of guardianship in 1919 has significant scientific significance. It deserves a scientific introduction and careful scientific study.
Keywords: Russia; RSFSR; history of law; soviet family law; custody of children
The origins of the institute of indeterminate sentences in Soviet legislation 1918–1921Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 5. p.3-27read more152
Based on various sources, the author of this article explores the process of the emergence of the institution of indeterminate sentences in Soviet legislation. Its American and European roots are revealed, reflected in the legislation of individual countries, discussions on the issue of indeterminate sentences at international conferences and congresses. Also considered is the scientific position of pre-revolutionary Russian scientists in relation to indeterminate sentences. Some of pre-revolutionary scientists were in the public service, first during the Provisional Government, and then in the early Soviet period. In this regard, the author explores the specifics of the personnel of the Central Punitive Department of the People’s Commissariat of Justice in the initial period of its activity. It has been established that a number of prominent pre-revolutionary criminologists could influence the content of Soviet legislation in terms of introducing elements of indeterminate sentences. In this regard, the first normative acts of the Soviet state of the criminal law and correctional labor industries (1918–1921) are analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that during the period of the formation of the Soviet state in Russia, important prerequisites were formed for fixing the institution of indeterminate sentences in the legislation. The article may be of interest both for historians of law and for specialists in the field of criminal and penitentiary law.
Keywords: history of Soviet law, Soviet criminal law, indeterminate sentences
Indeterrminate sentences in Soviet legislation, practice and science of the NEP periodMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2024. 1. p.3-26read more177
The article considers the rooting of the institution of indeterminate sentences in the Soviet legal reality of the NEP period. The author draws on a variety of sources, including archival ones, explores normative acts, projects, opinions of the leaders of the penitentiary system of that period. Attention is paid to the opinion of the Soviet scientific community about the institution under study, which followed world trends in criminal law and considered it necessary to adopt foreign advanced ideas in Russia. On the basis of the materials studied, the author comes to the conclusion that during the NEP period, further prerequisites continued to take shape for the institution of indeterminate sentences to be fixed in the criminal and corrective labor legislation. At the same time, a different attitude of the leadership of the NKJ and the NKVD to the correction of the length of stay of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty was revealed. From the point of view of the leadership of the NKJ, such a correction undermined the significance of judicial verdicts. The leaders of the NKVD, on the contrary, attached great importance to the possibility of reducing the term or changing the conditions of the convict’s stay, depending on his social danger. In the second half of the NEP, there was a need to resolve the contradictions between departments and all the prerequisites were in place to finally introduce the institution of indeterminate sentences into the legislation.Keywords: NEP, Soviet criminal law, Soviet corrective labor law, indeterminate sentences
Bills on indeterminate sentences at the end of NEPMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2024. 4. p.4-23read more37
The article discusses a number of bills of the late 1920s containing a proposal to introduce the institution of indeterminate sentences into Soviet criminal law. The initiative to develop the bills came from the people’s commissariats of justice and internal affairs. The projects were based on a scientific basis, as well as on the wide practice of parole from places of deprivation of liberty. Based on archival sources and published materials, the position of the leadership of both departments on this issue in the late 1920s was studied. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the external similarity of the views of the representatives of the two departments, in fact, they fundamentally differed. The leadership of the NKVD (E. G. Shirvindt, V. R. Yakubson) considered indeterminate sentences from the point of view of correcting the term of imprisonment as a result of observing the evolution of the personality of convicts in places of detention. The People’s Commissariat of Justice (N. V. Krylenko) saw in vague sentences the possibility of unlimited repression against socially dangerous persons. The planned innovations, as it turned out, contradicted the All-Union criminal legislation. The study of the fate of the institution of indeterminate sentences in Soviet legislation allows us to better understand the factors influencing the development of the branch of Soviet criminal and corrective labor law in the 1920s.Keywords: NEP, history of law, Soviet criminal law, Soviet corrective labor law, indeterminate sentences.