Olga Vladimirovna Kadysheva

Statute of the EAEU Сourt: potential ways of modernizationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2021. 5. p.28-46read more345
After 6 years from the start of the activity of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union the practical necessity of making some changes and amendments to the Statute and Regulation of the Court seems to be obvious. It’s suggested that all changes and amendments could be divided into two big groups depending on how such amendments will be viewed by the member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union. A first group comprises measures aiming to expand subject matter and personal jurisdiction of the Court whose powers had been significantly and intentionally weakened by the members-states of the EAU from its very establishment. A probability of such amendments looks quite low as it depends on the readiness of the members states to re-evaluate the risks and concerns perceived by them which led to the limited jurisdiction of the Court. A second group consists of procedural and organization changes aiming to remedy omissions and weak places in the day-to day activity of the Court detected during first years such as lack of any time limits or improvement of appellate review. Such measures are not connected with expansion of the jurisdiction of the Court, so their probability seems more optimistic.
Keywords: Court of the Eurasian Economic Union; statute; regulation; jurisdiction; procedure
Legal regulation of liability in the WTO and the EAEUMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 2. p.25-48read more369
The issue of international responsibility continues to be one of mist debatable topics among academia and in the decisions of international courts and tribunals. One of the major features of the WTO is a highly specific and to certain extent unique system of responsibility for violation of WTO rules elaborated by the founding member states. As a result of significant deviations from the classical approach as provided by the International Law Commission in its both Drafts Articles of international responsibility, WTO rules of state responsibility are widely treated by academia as lex specialis with its own advantages and disadvantages. Despite of existence of some rules of state responsibility in the Treaty of the Eurasian Economic Union such rules are mostly of sporadic, case-specific and badly coordinated character based on misguided borrowing of WTO approach which is ill-suited for the purpose of creation of common internal market. The necessity for the EAEU to create its own complex of norms on liability should not lead to a blind replication of either ILC or WTO approaches, as this could be at odds with the objectives of Eurasian integration. It’s suggested as one of possible alternatives to use the approach of the Court of Justice of the EU rejecting almost from the very beginning a classical international law canon of horizontal control performed by the states themselves backed by the use of the horizontal measures of enforcement towards the state violating its obligations.
Keywords: international responsibility, Drafts articles of international responsibility, compensation for damage, WTO, EAEU, lex specialis
EAEU mixed agreements with third countries: issues of international responsibilityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2024. 4. p.41-66read more35
At present, cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and third countries is generally carried out within the framework of signed free trade agreements or agreements on trade and economic cooperation. By their legal nature, the EAEU’s agreements with third countries are “mixed” agreements, where not only the Union itself, but also all EAEU Member States act on one side. This raises doctrinal and practical problems due to the fact that in the EAEU states, when taking certain measures at the national level, often act in fulfilment of their obligations under the law of their integration association without having any discretion. That is why the norms regulating liability for breach by the parties of their obligations arising from mixed agreements come to the fore. The current practice of states, international organizations and international courts in attributing conduct under mixed obligations of integration associations is far from being uniform and is not always in line with the provisions of the draft Articles of the International Law Commission On the responsibility of international organizations. The actions of the EAEU bodies are attributable to all EAEU Member States irrespective of their actual involvement in the challenged actions, which means the implementation of the doctrinal concept of joint obligations and joint responsibility of an international organization and its member states in the case of mixed agreements, whereby the injured party has the right to direct its claim to any joint co-defendant of its own choice.Keywords: EAEU, EAEU agreements with third countries, mixed agreements, responsibility of international organizations, Articles on the responsibility of international organizations, responsibility of international organizations member states.