Kozlova Natalia Vladimirovna

Deputy Dean for Science of the Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor of the Department of Civil Law.
Research area - 12.00.03 "Civil Law; Business Law; Family Law; Private International Law";
12.00.07 "Corporate Law; Competition Law; Energy Law"
Legal consequences of limiting the legal capacity of a citizen suffering from a mental disorderMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2018. 3. p.26-40read more195
The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal consequences of the limitation of capacity and the recognition of incompetent citizen suffering from mental disorder. According to the author, the term «recognition incompetent» used in the law is not entirely correct, since a citizen can not be completely deprived of legal capacity. Even if he is recognized as incompetent, he can perform actual actions and legal acts, due to which he may have intellectual rights (on the results of his creative activity, etc.), property rights, etc. In cases stipulated by law, such a citizen may bear property liability.
Keywords: limitation of legal capacity, inability to understand the significance of his actions and control them, recognition of a citizen as incompetent, custody, guardianship
Undeservedly forgotten? (To the question of the legal status of a production cooperative)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2018. 6. p.34-43read more252
The article considers the legal form of production cooperative widely used at the end of the last century and now are no longer in force. According to authors the legal status of cooperative’s member is much worse than the legal status of member of economic society and the reason of it is the form of cooperative organization.
Keywords: artel, artel association, production cooperative, member of cooperative, exclusion of members of production cooperative, coop share, assignment of interest, separation payments
On the role of legal science and education in the formation of the legal culture of the populationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 4. p.3-20read more499
The article analyzes the role of legal science and education in the formation of the legal culture of the population, taking into account the tasks set by the Foundations of the state cultural policy. It is concluded that jurisprudence plays an important role in the formation of a high level of legal consciousness of the population and its national identity. Intensive legal education and the possibility of obtaining legal knowledge by a wide range of people will help to create a positive image of the state (including in works of art) and strengthen civil self-identity. The destructive activity of “unfriendly countries” can be overcome by strengthening traditional values, which form the basis of the constitutional system of Russia and are embodied in various legal institutions. The developed legal culture of the population will help to avoid socio-psychological dependence on external influence, will become the basis of unity and cohesion of Russian society, the unification of the multinational people of the Russian Federation. The authors of the article propose to popularize legal science and law enforcement practice, to promote youth movements in the field of patriotic education and legal education, to develop the system of legal education by organizing lectures, seminars, round tables, conferences in order to strengthen the spirit of unity, cohesion, friendship of peoples, as well as traditional values in society.
Keywords: legal training, legal education, state cultural policy, legal awareness, legal culture, unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation