Golichenkov Alexander Konstantinovich

Head of the Department of Environmental and Land Law,
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Direction of scientific research – 12.00.06 "Natural resource law; agrarian law; environmental law"
Creation of a digital educational environment of a law university (based on the materials of the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2020. 2. p.3-17read more334
The article suggests a possible approach to creating a digital educational environment (hereinafter also referred to as DSP), namely, the methodological and technological prospects for the development of the digital educational space of a law university / faculty, examined through the prism of the criteria for the quality of legal education. The key definition of the digital educational environment, developed during the methodological work on the preparation of the priority project “Digital Educational Environment of the Law Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov” (also referred to as the Project) in 2019 — early 2020. The basic principles of the development and implementation of this Project are considered: the principle of evolutionary changes in the educational environment, the principle of the gradual development of DSP, the principle of automation of the educational process. The characteristic of the stage of the pilot implementation of the DSP components within the framework of the Project is given, the features of scaling and development of the DSP are analyzed. Quantitative indicators of distance learning are presented at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University (hereinafter also referred to as the Faculty of Law, Faculty) in a pandemic, which can be described as «emergency delivery of educational content».
Keywords: digital educational environment of a law university/faculty; e-learning; distance learning system
Digital educational environment of Law University: mechanisms for the implementation of innovative educational practicesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2021. 2. p.3-21read more368
The article explores preconditions for implementation mechanisms of digital educational environment (DEE). The mechanisms include practice and empirical experience of the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University, academic and methodological component, and organizational and institutional framework. It is assumed that the development of digital educational environment may be defined as ‘innovation’ as it allows to adapt educational process to the challenges of the modern world. It is important to distinguish between the ideas of ‘creation of digital educational environment’ and ‘implementation mechanism of digital educational environment’; ‘education quality criteria’ and ‘quality criteria for the organization of educational process’. The article presents a discussion on functioning principles of DEE and its ‘core’ (key elements). DEE mechanism is analyzed from three aspects: its content, control, and communication. Integration process of DEE components were also analyzed. Characteristics of DEE development drivers comprise generational change; changes in the set of students’ values; accumulation of evidence-based data related to the learning outcomes in the digital environment. This article is a part of research on functioning principles of DEE and law education quality criteria in the digital environment.
Keywords: digital educational environment of law university/department; online schooling; digital learning system; digital maturity; implementation mechanism of digital educational environment
Concept of legal education development in modern Russia: a possible approach to its formationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2022. 5. p.3-15read more356
The article discusses the issues of possible reform of the higher education system in Russia in general and legal education in particular. The prerequisites for such a reform are analyzed and the opinions expressed on this matter by representatives of state authorities, the scientific community, public organizations, proposals for a possible rejection of the “Bologna system” (a two-level education system) are considered. On the example of legal education provided by the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The advantages and disadvantages of the “Bologna system” are identified, the goals and principles of higher legal education are determined, the requirements for the structure of educational programs are formulated, the advantages of integrated training of lawyers (integrated magistracy) are substantiated compared with the specialty and the current two-level bachelor’s and master’s degree system. The article pays special attention to the need to ensure fundamental nature in legal education, the formation of scientific and pedagogical schools, indicates the need to maintain continuity in the reform of higher education, taking into account the interests of persons who have graduated in the field of Law in different periods. The authors also touch upon the problems of rating law schools and raise the question of the expediency of codifying legislation on education in the way of fulfilling the task of providing the necessary legal support for the implementation of educational programs.
Keywords: higher education reform, Bologna system, educational goals, principles of education, scientific and pedagogical schools, integrated magistracy, university ratings, educational code
On the role of legal science and education in the formation of the legal culture of the populationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 4. p.3-20read more499
The article analyzes the role of legal science and education in the formation of the legal culture of the population, taking into account the tasks set by the Foundations of the state cultural policy. It is concluded that jurisprudence plays an important role in the formation of a high level of legal consciousness of the population and its national identity. Intensive legal education and the possibility of obtaining legal knowledge by a wide range of people will help to create a positive image of the state (including in works of art) and strengthen civil self-identity. The destructive activity of “unfriendly countries” can be overcome by strengthening traditional values, which form the basis of the constitutional system of Russia and are embodied in various legal institutions. The developed legal culture of the population will help to avoid socio-psychological dependence on external influence, will become the basis of unity and cohesion of Russian society, the unification of the multinational people of the Russian Federation. The authors of the article propose to popularize legal science and law enforcement practice, to promote youth movements in the field of patriotic education and legal education, to develop the system of legal education by organizing lectures, seminars, round tables, conferences in order to strengthen the spirit of unity, cohesion, friendship of peoples, as well as traditional values in society.
Keywords: legal training, legal education, state cultural policy, legal awareness, legal culture, unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation