Andrey E. Pomazansky

Pomazansky, A.E.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Legal support for the unity of local self-government and science city: from territoriality to integrityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2024. 1. p.146-158read more170
In retrospect, and currently, scientific forecasts of the development of russian municipal, constitutional, legislation, and legislation on science are developing unidirectionally and do not consider related problems and prospects of legal regulation. As a result, the most important institutions in technological development acquire fragmented legal regulation. An analysis of legislative initiatives and trends in the development of Russian legislation on local government and science cities shows the parallel and uncoordinated development of these important areas of legal regulation. As a result, interrelated problems and unresolved tasks in the development of territories, the disclosure of the potential of local self-government in the scientific and technological growth of the state are actually multiplying. Scientists do not pay due attention to this issue. The article offers the author’s solutions to the identified problem and provides a predictive assessment of possible scenarios for the development of Russian legislation in an intersectoral aspect. The author’s conclusions are based not only on Russian but also foreign sources, using a comparative legal method and research methodology. The authors substantiate the importance of balanced development of legislation on science cities and local selfgovernment as an indicator of the involvement of scientific and technical development of Russia and at the same time as an incentive for scientific activity and production of territories, taking into account their individual characteristics and potential. The inclusion of these indicators in the measurement of technological development and sustainable economic growth of the country creates new challenges for improving Russian legislation.Keywords: science city, technopolis, territorial development, scientific and technological development, municipality, urban district, legal status