Sergey V. Kabyshev
O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy
Russian Constitution as a guarantee of civilizational identity and sovereign development of the Russian state (on the 30th anniversary)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 6. p.40-58read more73
The Constitution of Russia, despite pessimistic forecasts during its adoption, caused, among other things, by the idea of the targeted, anti-crisis nature of this document, was a reliable basis for the formation of national consent, reconciliation of society, and became the most important guarantee of the preservation of Russian socio-cultural identity based on traditional spiritual and moral values. In modern socio-historical and geopolitical conditions, the consolidating role of the Russian Constitution and its potential associated with ensuring the sovereign development of Russian statehood is increasing. Designed to ensure state development in conditions of historical turbulence, the Russian Constitution enshrined flexible, self-adjusting mechanisms for balancing the interests of the individual, society and the state, based both on respect for the heritage and traditions of our ancestors, and on the desire for social progress. It is necessary to consistently reveal the normative, value-semantic content of the current Constitution of Russia, for which an essential prerequisite should be its demythologization in the sense of abandoning its distorted interpretations inspired by the currents of liberal-individualistic globalism. Some judgments on this matter, concerning, in particular, the ideological side of state development, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the system of constitutional values, spiritual, moral and legal education in the education system, are set out in the article with the expectation of further scientific dialogue and the formation of a new constitutional paradigms of Russian statehood.
Keywords: Constitution of Russia, constitutional identity, balance of individual and collective interests, constitutional ideology, legal patriotism, legal education