Yulia V. Fedchenko
Legal nature of international jurisdiction agreementsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 5. p.168-182read more164
The problem of the legal nature of international jurisdiction agreements is directly related to the issue of their regulation in the national legislation, since, depending on the material or procedural qualifications of this institution, particular regulatory requirements for such agreements are to be established. This article analyzes various approaches to the definition of the legal nature and, consequently, the regulation of international jurisdiction agreements on the example of English, German and Russian legislation. The material qualification chosen in English law means a more flexible regulation of the agreements: the possibility to conclude an oral jurisdiction agreement as well as the possibility for one party to use remedies (anti-suit injunctions, damages) in case of violation of the jurisdiction agreement by the other party. The procedural qualification of jurisdiction agreements in German law presupposes the establishment of stricter formal requirements (requirements for the subjects of agreements, form (written or oral with written confirmation), time of the conclusion of the jurisdiction agreement). In Russian law, this issue has not been finally resolved and is debatable, so that the legislative regulation of agreements on jurisdiction is generally fragmentary and is replaced by the construction and interpretation of norms in judicial practice.
Keywords: civil procedure, international jurisdiction, jurisdiction agreements, legal nature of jurisdiction agreements, international jurisdiction agreements, competence of a foreign court