Sergey A. Sinitsyn

Institute of expropriation of foreign property: de facto & de jureMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 3. p.33-54read more321
Not only Russian, but also foreign modern legal science bypasses the issue of the legal nature of the state’s right to expropriate private property. Its limits and limitations are unclear, as are the guarantees of the right to private property. In most cases, the right to expropriate is perceived as a given and the prerogative of the state. However, it is quite obvious that the principle of the certainty of law presupposes the normative clarity of the regimes and types of expropriation, the conditions for its implementation in relation to other restrictions and methods for the forced termination of the right to private property. In conditions of high turbulence in international relations, the question of the correlation between the norms of international, private international and national (domestic) law in determining the mechanism and legal regime of expropriation is especially relevant. Discussions on the relationship between the legal mechanisms of expropriation and nationalization, on the definition of criteria and the very legal nature of the compensation due to a private owner during expropriation do not leave the agenda. Particularly acute is the question of the grounds and forms of international responsibility of states exercising the right to expropriation, both in violation of the general norms and principles of international law, and special in relation to expropriation in relation to the interests and rights of private owners. The attention of the author is focused on this issue in connection with the emerging negative trends in the development of lawmaking in this area, not only at the national, but also at the international level
Keywords: expropriation and nationalization of foreign property, expropriation as an institution of international, private international and domestic law, guarantees of private property and expropriation, damages and compensation for expropriation
Essence and structure of an oath of lawMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. 5. p.205-218read more376
Essence and structural organization of oath in legal aspect was studied. Oath as personal solemn confirmation by religious and non-religious act is considered, which was used as an element of jurisprudence in the past and is currently relevant. The structural organization of the oath is presented by analogy with the construction adopted in the normative legal theory. Modern using of oath highlights the relevance of topic. It is noted that structure of oath has practically not undergone significant changes from ancient until now. Oath breaking as basis of punishment is considered. Psychic and emotional side of oath is considered. As an illustration of the semantic content of oaths, excerpts from literary works of ancient Greek authors are given. Taking the oath according the topic imply legal aspect of activity by persons and authority. Publicity of the sworn-in ceremony is indicated. An original version of structuring of the oath is proposed. The sources of the research are original written documents, as well as translations with comments, fragments that have come down to us or intact petroglyphs located in archaeological parks or museums. The deductive, inductive, historical-linguistic, formal-legal methods along with description, analysis and synthesis, and non-stationary research were used.
Keywords: oath, oath breaking, compurgation, sworn-in ceremony, Sworn notary, solemn declaration, waiver of liability, Cyprus flight pass, passanger locator form