Category of function of law and theory of social security lawMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.145-167read article131
Legitimate interests of legal entities: doctrinal approaches and application in Tax LawMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.131-144read article167
Responsibility in international air law: problems of theory and practiceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.106-130read article253
Prospects for improvement the linguistic form of the Russian Criminal Law taken into account of the Kyrgyz experienceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.72-89read article99
Right to environmental information in the context of digitalizationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.72-89read article174
Features of the execution of decisions of the Russian Constitutional Court in cases related to local self-governmentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.54-71read article116
Historical and legal aspects of the formation of the term “bankruptcy” in RussiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.44-53read article148
Key aspects of legal regulation of real estate pledge in the Boards of Social WelfareMoscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.28-43read article165
The origins of the institute of indeterminate sentences in Soviet legislation 1918–1921Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 5. p.3-27read article147
History of political and legal doctrines as a scientific and educational discipline (review of a scientific conference)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 11. Law. 2023. N 4. p.232-240read article519